Barbara Strozzi

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Havete torto

Originally for Soprano and basso continuo.
Original Language: Italian

Havete torto,
havete torto a fè
volermi morto
e non mi dir perché.

Fate almen à me palese,
ò bellissima tiranna,
in che cosa il cor v’offese
ch’alla morte mi condanna.
Se l’alma s’affanna
in grembo alla fede
nè trova mercede
nè spera conforto;
havete torto.

Troppo rigida sentenza
è di barbara beltà (pietà-D:Lr)
mentre morte altrui dispenza
e’l (et) perché ridir non sà.
Si fiera empietà
con chi vi servì
con chi v’adorò?
Deh’ ditemi chi
à voi l’insegnò,
Ond' io si grave duol
sempre supporto. (D:Lr)


You are mistaken

You are mistaken,
You are indeed wrong
to wish me dead
and not tell me why.

At least explain,
oh most beautiful tyrant,
in what way my heart has offended you
that you condemn me to death.
If your spirit is enraged
in a faithful bosom
it neither finds mercy
nor hopes for comfort;
you are wrong.

Barbarous beauty
is too harsh a judgement
while dispensing death to others
and the reason you don't know how to smile.
Such proud unkindnes
toward one who serves you,
toward one who loved you?
So, tell me
who taught you
while I always endure
such deep suffering.

Translated by:

Candace A. Magner

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Cover of Havete Torto

Havete Torto

Published by Cor Donato Editions in historically correct modern transcription, including critical introductory notes on the work, editorial procedures, original texts with new English translations, and other contextual information about the piece.

Now available at!

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    Brilliant Classics (2021) [Audio CD, Digital / MP3]

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