Opus 5
Sacri Musicali Affetti, Libro I
by Gardano, Venice, Italy
Originally published as 2 parts in 2 books with basso continuo.

LOCATIONS | PL: Wru. I: VE0091 (Fondazione Giorgio Cini S-6986, microfilm). RISM A/I (S6085), OCLC (micro. 11484274) |
FACSIMILE | Cornetto-Verlag. Online downloadable edition at IMSLP. NY: Da Capo Press, 1988; |
MODERN EDITIONS | Cor Donato Editions; Collins; Mardinly; Magner; Dellal; O'Drisceoil |
Anna of Austria, Archduchess of Innsbruck

Perche tù ò mio Cuore, che ti portasti ardito alle più grandi Altezze, t’incamini si timido à quella, à cui queste carte già consacrasti? T’intendo si’ perche essendo tù in me stessa, non puoi haver sensi à mè nascosi: Fosti altre volte invitato, e quella mano, che ti sù porta al camino, t’assicurò l’ascesa: mà nè men cauto sei di presente, se ben tù miri, che non vacilla quel piede, che per saldi fondamenti si và conducendo.
Là catena del Fato, che partendosi dalie stelle à quelle ritorna, mostra, che quest’ ordine delle cose hà la sua uniformita, dalla quale à ben regolarti, non si travia.
Posaron le mie Primitie musicali in uno de gli Asili della virtù, ricevute e gradite dalla Serenis. Di Firenze.
Se nell’altro Serenissimo Asilo tì ricovran le mie sacre Primitie, ch’è la GRAND’ ANNA AUSTRIACA D’INSPRUCH a quella Cognata, chi niegherà che con ragionevol uniformità tentino quest’ascesa?
Mà quai rimproveri dà te sento? Non è (tù mi dici) dà ponderar le ragioni, ove una retta via apre libero il sentiero alla virtù: Là virtù d’altrove sbandita corre d’ogni parte per ricovrarsi a questa nuova, e Gran Mecenate, che non grande per l’adherenza d’Auguste, ma ella medemma Augusta con Tromba di vera Fama indìce più degne ricetto al Parnaso.
Son questi i motivi del cuore: la ricevo timorosa, gli odo confusa, e già che tanto non m’arestan le debolezze di Donna, che più non m’inoltri il compatimento del Sesto, sopra lienissimi fogli volo devota ad’inchinarmi.
Why, oh my Heart, when I bring you ardently to their great Highnesses, do you crawl so timidly to her, to whom these pages are already consecrated? I understand you, because, being within me, you cannot hide your feelings from me. You were at other times invited, by that hand that conducts you to the chamber, to ensure your ascent: but more or less cautious to present them, if you fix your gaze steadily, my feet will not waver, conducted by this firm foundation.
The chain of Fate, which departs and returns by the stars, demonstrates that this order of things has its uniformity, from which the well-governed principles cannot be corrupted.
I lay the first fruits of my music in one of the Sanctuaries of virtue, received and welcomed by the Serenissima of Florence.
If in another Most Serene Sanctuary I shelter my first sacred offerings—that is, in the Great Austrian Anna of Innsbruck, her sister-in-law—who could reasonably deny the uniformity of this attempted ascent?
But, why feel blame, my heart? It is not (so you tell me) for you to ponder the reasons, if a straight path opens, free to virtue. There, virtue banished from elsewhere comes running from every part, in order to take shelter in this new, Great Patron, who is great—not for her adherence to the August one—but for herself, she the self-same Augusta, who with the trumpet of true fame will be worthy to be received on Parnassus.
These are the reasons of my heart: I receive them timidly, and I hear their confusion, and as much as I am inhibited by the weaknesses of being a woman, nonetheless if you will send me the indulgence of Sesto; on lightest leaves do I fly to you, devoted and with bowed head.
Translation from Pecknold, Sara Michael. "On Lightest Leaves Do I Fly”:
Redemption and the Renewal of Identity in Barbara Strozzi’s Sacri musicali affetti (1655).
(kr) = Keyboard Realization