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Quis dabit mihi
Original Language: Latin
Quis dabit mihi tantam charitatem,
ut redamare possim amanten Iesu?
Quis mihi tribuet incendium amoris,
ut langueat cor meum languentem Iesu?
Nonne tu, Christe mi, qui es charitas ipsa?
O quam suavis, o quam iucundus, quam delectabilis est amor tuus, dulcissime Iesu, piissime Iesu, amabilis Christe, vera spes, vera salus, vera vita animæ meæ.
In te vivit, in te sperat, in te credit, in te amor meus est;
amore tuo abundanter reficitur anima mea.
Tu es solus, bone Iesu, vera spes et vita mea.
Concupiscit cor meum te videre, et in te solo requiescere.
Tibi enim soli vivo,
Ad te solum heu suspiro,
Et in te solo respiro;
Tibi vivo mea vita,
Te adoro, o bone Iesu.
Who will give to me
Who will give me enough charity
that I may love the loving Jesus in return?
Who will give me the fire of love,
that my heart may melt for the loving Jesus
if you not, my Christ, who are charity itself?
Oh how sweet, oh how joyful, how delightful is your love, sweetest Jesus, kind Jesus, adorable Jesus, true hope, true salvation, true life of my soul.
I live in you, you are my hope, I trust in you, my love abides in you.
Your love abundantly refreshes my soul.
You alone, good Jesus, are my true hope and life.
My heart yearns to see you and to rest in you alone.
I live for you alone,
for you alone I sigh,
and I breathe in you alone;
I live my life with you,
I adore you, oh good Jesus.
Translated by:
Robert Kendrick, rev. Richard Kolb
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Quis Dabit Mihi
Published by Cor Donato Editions in historically correct modern transcription, including critical introductory notes on the work, editorial procedures, original texts with new English translations, and other contextual information about the piece.
Now available at CorDonatoEditions.com!
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