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Presso un ruscelo algente
Original Language: Italian
Presso un ruscello algente
figlio di sasso alpino
trasse Eurillo dolente:
"Crudo Amor, fiera sorte, empio destino!"
Quand' egli sovente
il pianto versò
e a l'onda repente
così favellò:
"Ruscelletto, vago rio,
che ten' vai di sasso in sasso,
ferma il piede, arresta il passo,
e raccogli il pianto mio.
Frena il corso all' onda labile
ne fugirsi ratto al mare.
Prendi teco ò rivo amabile
queste mie lagrime amare.
Dati posa almen soltanto,
che qui giunga quall' hor suole
la mia Lilla il mio bel sole,
e si terga nel mio pianto"
Così dell' acque il corso
lo sventurato Eurillo
chiede invano soccorso.
Poi ch'à temprar l'ardor non son bastanti
al foco de sospir l'acque de pianti.
At a mossy stream
At a mossy stream,
child of Alpine rock,
mournful Eurillo drew near:
"Cruel Love, proud Fate, wicked Destiny!"
As so frequently
his plea spilled over
and to the wave, suddenly
thus he said:
"Little brook, graceful rivulet,
which flows from rock to rock,
stay your step, stop your pace,
and collect my tears.
Slow the course of your faint ripple
nor flee quickly to the sea.
Take with you, oh lovely brook,
these, my bitter tears.
Allow yourself at least a rest,
that should the footstep
of my Lilla, my beautiful sun, arrive here,
she might walk in my tears."
Thus did unfortunate Eurillo
ask aid, in vain,
of the flowing water.
Thus to quench the fire of sighs
even the water of tears is not enough.
Translated by:
Candace A. Magner
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Presso un Ruscello Algente
Published by Cor Donato Editions in historically correct modern transcription, including critical introductory notes on the work, editorial procedures, original texts with new English translations, and other contextual information about the piece.
Now available at CorDonatoEditions.com!
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