Barbara Strozzi

Works without Opus Number

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1. Quis dabit mihi

ATB, bc. In collection Sacra Corona, ed. Bartolomeo Marcesso. 3 parts, bc.


  1. 1656, Venice, Francesco Magni called Gardano
  2. 1659, Anversa: Heredi di Petro Phalesio
LOCATIONS1. US: LC (M1490.M185 S2).
2. GB: Och. Microfilm: LC, Harvard, UNC Chapel Hill
MODERN EDITIONSCor Donato Editions; Mardinly; Rismondo

2. Presso un ruscelo algente.

Soprano and basso continuo

Date unknown, probably late 1600s (Manuscript).

LOCATIONSI: Vc Coll. Correr II, no. 48 Busta 2.35 “missing the end.” The manuscript book, one of four that comprised a collection of Leopardo Martinengo, contains works by several authors. In the case of the Strozzi piece, the end of the work was missing and notated so in the library catalogs. In 2001 Dr. Magner visited the library and found the 'missing' section, a fascicle (signature) misplaced within the volume at some time of rebinding but before the pages were numbered in pencil by the library. This piece, therefore, is found on pages 75r to 80v, where the incipit “ò” is marked in the lower right corner. The work then continues on pages 111r-116r.
MODERN EDITIONSCor Donato Editions, Magner

3. Havete torto

Soprano and basso continuo

Date unknown, probably around 1680 (Manuscript).

LOCATIONSD: Kl, MS Collection of cantatas, fol. 34, no. 15, pp 26r-27v, 1681 (mentioned in Rosand “La Virtuossissima Cantatrice” footnote 73. (from Robert Eitner, "Biographische-bibliographisches Quellen-Lexikon:, IX [Leipzig: 1903], p. 315.)
MODERN EDITIONSCor Donato Editions, Magner

4. Un amante doglioso

Date unknown, probably around 1680 (Manuscript).

LOCATIONSD: Kl, MS Collection of cantatas, fol. 34, no. 9, pp 13v-15v 1681 (mentioned in Rosand “La Virtuossissima Cantatrice” footnote 73. (from Robert Eitner, “Biographische-bibliographisches Quellen-Lexikon”:, IX [Leipzig: 1903], p. 315.)
MODERN EDITIONSCor Donato Editions, Magner


(kr) = Keyboard Realization

Catalogue #
First Line
Quis dabit mihi
ATB, bc
Cor Donato Editions, Mardinly, Rismondo
Presso un ruscelo algente
S, bc
Cor Donato Editions, Magner
Havete torto
S, bc
Cor Donato Editions, Magner
Un amante doglioso
B, bc
Cor Donato Editions, Magner