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Non volete ch'io mi dolga?
You don't want me to complain?
Original Language: Italian
Non volete ch'io mi dolga?
Se quei vezzi che mi fate
Sono finti e simulati,
Se quei sguardi che vibrate
Sono dardi avvelenati?
Se con barbaro rigore
Qual Sirena lusinghiera
Alletate perché pera
Questo misero mio core,
S'io sto in pene fra catene,
Ne v'è alcuno che mi sciolga,
Non volete ch'io mi dolga?
Non volete ch'io mi dolga,
Se il destino meco irato
M'ha riddotto a questo passo,
Che qual Sisifo dannato
Io mi crucio con un sasso?
Sasso fu che tocco, oh Dio,
Dall'acciaio di mia fede,
Per indebita mercede
Mand'il foco al seno mio.
S'io mi sento tal tormento
Che non so dove mi volga,
Non volete ch'io mi dolga?
You don't want me to complain?
Even though the charms with which you allure me
are feigned and insincere,
and those looks that you send me
are poisoned arrows?
Even though you entice me ruthlessly
like a beguiling siren,
to make me lose
this miserable heart of mine,
even though I suffer in chains
and there's no one to set me free,
you don't want me to complain?
You don't want me to complain,
even though vengeful destiny
has reduced me to this state,
like condemned Sisyphus,
tormenting myself with a stone?
A stone it was, oh God,
that struck the steel of my constancy,
sending me an undeserved reward
of fire in my breast.
I feel such torment
that I don't know which way to turn,
yet you don't want me to complain?
Translated by:
Richard Kolb
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Non volete ch'io mi dolga
Published by Cor Donato Editions in historically correct modern transcription, including critical introductory notes on the work, editorial procedures, original texts with new English translations, and other contextual information about the piece.
Now available at CorDonatoEditions.com!
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