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Pensaci ben mio core
Original Language: Italian
Pensaci ben mio core.
D'amore al foco,
Anco per gioco,
Farfalletta non t'accostar.
Guarda il fin del tuo girar,
Che non sia d'incenerire
Quando credi di gioire.
Fuggi di due begl'occhi anco l'ardore;
Pensaci ben mio core.
Fermati pur, mio core.
Se nel periglio
Brami consiglio,
Pelicano non ti mostrar.
Lascia Lilla di mirar,
Se non vuoi con dura sorte
Nel gioir trovar la morte.
Sotto l'arco d'un ciglio è ascoso Amore;
Pensaci ben mio core.
Think clearly, my heart
Think clearly, my heart.
don't approach the fire of love,
like a moth,
even in jest.
Be careful that the result of your enterprise
doesn't burn you up
just when you think you're going to rejoice.
Flee the passion of two beautiful eyes;
think clearly, my heart.
Hold on, my heart.
If you want good
advice in danger,
don't be like the pelican.*
Stop gazing at Lilla
if you don't want to find death
by harsh fate in your pleasure.
Love is hidden under the arch of an eyebrow;
think clearly, my heart.
Translated by:
Richard Kolb
* The pelican was a symbol of self-sacrifice. According to legend, in time of famine the mother pelican wounded herself, striking her breast with her beak, to feed her young with her blood.
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Pensaci ben mio core
Published by Cor Donato Editions in historically correct modern transcription, including critical introductory notes on the work, editorial procedures, original texts with new English translations, and other contextual information about the piece.
Now available at CorDonatoEditions.com!
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