Barbara Strozzi

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Per un bacio

Originally for Soprano and basso continuo.
Original Language: Italian

Per un bacio che rubbai
Dalle labra del mio bene,
In prigion di mille guai
Rinserrato Amor mi tiene.
Al Giudice fiero
Ch'udendo ci stà,
La mia sdegnosetta
Dimanda vendetta;
Io chiedo pietà.
Ma sono intese, oh Dio,
Le sue querelle e non il pianto mio.
Ben lo so ch’a suo riguardo
Mi fara morire al fine,
O col foco d’un bel guardo,
O col laccio d’un bel crine.
Ma s’egli lo vole,
Finir anch’io vò
La vita el tormento,
E lieto e contento
A morte n’andrò.
Pur che mi lasci ancora
Render ciò che rubbai prima che mora.

Francesco Piccoli

Because of a kiss

Because of a kiss which I stole
from the lips of my beloved
Love holds me clenched
in the prison of a thousand woes.
At the fierce Judge
who hears our pleas,
my disdainful lover
asks for vengeance;
I plead for pity
but, oh heavens, what is heard
is his complaints,and not my plea.
I know well at his glance
that I will die at the end,
either by the fire of a beautiful glance
or by the noose of a beautiful lock of hair;
But if that is what Love wishes,
I also would put an end
to my life and my torment,
and, happy and content,
I will go off to my death
so long as he allows me to return
what I stole before I die.

Translated by:

Candace A. Magner

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Cover of Per un bacio

Per un bacio

Published by Cor Donato Editions in historically correct modern transcription, including critical introductory notes on the work, editorial procedures, original texts with new English translations, and other contextual information about the piece.

Now available at!

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