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E pazzo il mio core
Original Language: Italian
È pazzo il mio core,
Se ogn'hor delirante
Adora un sembiante
Ch'è tutto rigore.
S'adira, sospira
Si lagna, s'accora,
Frenetica ogn'hora
Nel duolo delira.
Ma s'egli sta in pene
Per chi lo disprezza,
È ben da catene,
E come tal lo tien legato Amore,
È pazzo il mio core...
Hor ride, hor s'uccide,
Piangendo sua sorte,
Hor brama la morte,
Hor questa deride.
Ma s'ei per quel volto
Si strugge,
Nol fugge,
A fè ch'egli è stolto,
E come tal si crucia in fiero ardore,
È pazzo il mio core...
My heart is crazy
My heart is crazy,
since it keeps deliriously
adoring a face
that is all severity.
It gets angry, it sighs,
it laments, it grieves,
always frantic,
it raves in affliction.
But although it dwells in pain
for one who disdains it,
it's completely enchained,
and since that's the way Love keeps it bound,
My heart is crazy...
Sometimes it laughs, sometimes it strikes itself down,
mourning its fate,
sometimes it wishes itself dead,
sometimes it shuns her.
But although it's destroying itself
because of that face,
instead of escaping,
it's a fool for sure,
and like a fool torments itself in a cruel flame,
my heart is crazy...
Translated by:
Richard Kolb
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È pazzo il mio core
Published by Cor Donato Editions in historically correct modern transcription, including critical introductory notes on the work, editorial procedures, original texts with new English translations, and other contextual information about the piece.
Now available at CorDonatoEditions.com!
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