Barbara Strozzi

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L'amante bugiardo

Originally for Soprano and basso continuo.
Original Language: Italian

I miei giorni sereni
Infetti col tuo sguardo,
E col sospir bugiardo,
L'aria tu m'avveleni.
Ah, scherza e non schernire,
Ah, mira e non mentire:
Ma falso e menzogner se parli o taci,
I vezzi hai finti e traditori i baci.

Provo dalle bugie
Un'aria tormentata,
Da tue frodi habitata,
E dalle furie mie.
Ah, giura e non mentire,
Ah, taci e non tradire:
Ma falso e menzogner se parli o taci,
I vezzi hai finti e traditori i baci.


The Cheating Lover

You infest my peaceful days
with your glances,
and with your deceptive sighs
you poison the air.
Oh, dally without pretense,
oh, look without deception: but you’re false and deceitful whether you speak or remain silent;
your charms are feigned, your kisses treacherous.

The lies make me suffer
a tormented condition,
infused with your falseness
and my derangement.
Oh, affirm without lying,
be silent without betrayal:
but you’re false and deceitful;
your charms are feigned, your kisses treacherous.

Translated by:

Richard Kolb

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Cover of l'Amante Bugiardo

l'Amante Bugiardo

Published by Cor Donato Editions in historically correct modern transcription, including critical introductory notes on the work, editorial procedures, original texts with new English translations, and other contextual information about the piece.

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  • Cantate

    Isabelle Poulenard

    ADDA (1989) [Audio CD]

    • Track #7 - L'Amante bugiardo - I miei giorni sereni, Op 2 (S, bc) [2:33]
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  • La Virtuosissima

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    Koch International Classics (2012) [Audio CD]

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  • O Dulcis Amor

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    Ramee (2005) [Audio CD, Digital / MP3]

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