Barbara Strozzi

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La vendetta

Originally for Soprano, basso continuo, and 2 violins.
Original Language: Italian

La vendetta è un dolce affetto,
il dispetto vuol dispetto,
il rifarsi è un gran diletto.
Vane son scuse e ragioni
per placar donna oltraggiata,
non pensar che ti perdoni!
Donna mai non vendicata
pace ha in bocca e guerra in petto.
Non perdona in vendicarsi
all'amante più gradito
che l'adora e vuol rifarsi
quand'il fiero insuperbito
verso lei perd'il rispetto.

Giulio Strozzi


Revenge is a sweet thing,
one ill turn deserves another,
and getting back is a great delight!
In vain are excuses and reasons
to try to placate an outraged woman;
don’t believe that she will forgive you!
The woman that has never taken revenge
has peace in her mouth and war in her heart.
When taking revenge, she won’t forgive
even the most welcome lover
who adores her and wants to make up
when the fierce and proud fellow
loses respect for her.

Translated by:

Candace A. Magner

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Cover of La Vendetta

La Vendetta

Published by Cor Donato Editions in historically correct modern transcription, including critical introductory notes on the work, editorial procedures, original texts with new English translations, and other contextual information about the piece.

Now available at!

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    MSR Classics (2020) [Audio CD]

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    Harmonia Mundi (2000) [Audio CD, Digital / MP3]

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    arie e duetti

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    Pan Classics (2024) [Audio CD, Digital / MP3]

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