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Barbara crudeltà
Original Language: Italian
Non ti doler, mio cor,
Se provi in tuo servir pene e martori:
Una produsse Amor
Che fu Barbara sempre e tu l'adori.
Se rimedio non ha
La piaga ch'è mortal, me solo incolpo:
E qual spero pietà
Se da Barbara man mi viene il colpo?
Così comanda il ciel:
Amo chi m'odia e ne languisco e moro;
Seguo chi m'è infedel,
E Barbara beltà supplice adoro.
Barbarous Cruelty
Don't grieve, my heart,
if in serving you suffer pain and torture:
love has produced one
who has always been Barbarous, and you adore her.
If there is no remedy
for the mortal wound, I'm the one at fault:
and what pity can I hope for
if a Barbarous hand strikes the blow?
Thus heaven ordains: I love one
who hates me, and I languish and die of it;
I pursue one who is unfaithful to me,
and imploringly adore a Barbarous beauty.
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Barbara Crudeltà
Published by Cor Donato Editions in historically correct modern transcription, including critical introductory notes on the work, editorial procedures, original texts with new English translations, and other contextual information about the piece.
Now available at CorDonatoEditions.com!
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