Barbara Strozzi

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Soliloquio alli suoi pensieri

Originally for Soprano and basso continuo.
Original Language: Italian

Dessistete omai, pensieri,
d'adorar chi vi distrugge
chi v'abborre e chi vi fugge
che non sete lusinghieri.

A ragion vi dolete,
miserelli che sete!
E che fareste poi se aveste in dono
il bel nume adorato?
Se il provaste adirato,
chiedereste il perdono?
No, no, no che sete fieri,
Dessistete omai, pensieri!

Sono vostre sciagure
bramar chi vi disprezza,
per un ciel senza fermezza
vi struggete in mille cure.


Soliloquy to His Thoughts

Cease right now, thoughts,
adoring one who destroys you,
who hates you and flees you,
don't be taken in.

You have reason to grieve,
wretched as you are;
and what would you do if you received as a gift
the beautiful goddess that you love?
If she became angry
would you ask her pardon?
No, no, no, for you are arrogant,
Cease right now, thoughts.

It's your misfortune
to desire one who disdains you;
for a shifting sky
you destroy yourself with a thousand worries.

You have reason to grieve...

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Cover of Soliloquio alli Suoi Pensieri

Soliloquio alli Suoi Pensieri

Published by Cor Donato Editions in historically correct modern transcription, including critical introductory notes on the work, editorial procedures, original texts with new English translations, and other contextual information about the piece.

Now available at!

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  • Ariette a voce sola, Opus 6

    Tadashi Miroku, countertenor, Silvia Rambaldi, harpsichord

    Tactus (2012) [Audio CD, Digital / MP3]

    • Soliloquio alli suoi pensieri - Dessistete omai, pensieri, Op 6 (CT, hpsc) [7:11]