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Val esser costante
Original Language: Italian
Rissolvetevi, pensieri,
Di lasciarmi in libertà,
È tropp'aspra crudeltà
Raddoppiar nodi si fieri.
E se stimate ch'altr'amor io brami,
Stringetemi al suo sen, cari legami.
Lusinghiere mie speranze,
Il tentarmi è vanità,
Il mio cor soffrir non sà
Vostre perfide baldanze;
Già senza replicar nuovo dolore,
Del primo colpo ho ancor piagato il core.
Se tra gl'agi d'un bel colle
Volgo mai ramingo il pie',
A far prova di mìa fé
Rio fantasma ogn'hor s'estolle.
Se si grave pensier l'anima ingombra,
Ahi, ch'il suo amor non è che sogno et ombra.
Value of Being Constant
Resolve, my thoughts,
to leave me in liberty,
It's too harsh of a cruelty
to redouble such ruthless knots.
And if you suppose I'd like another love,
attach me tightly to her breast, dear bonds.
Enticing hopes,
it's vain to tempt me,
My heart will not
suffer your cunning boldness;
Even without adding new torments,
my heart is still wounded from the first blow.
If ever I turn my steps
toward the charms of a beautiful hillside,
in order to test my will
a cruel spirit always comes forth.
While such a weighty thought burdens my soul,
ah, her love is nothing but illusion and shadow.
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Val Esser Costante
Published by Cor Donato Editions in historically correct modern transcription, including critical introductory notes on the work, editorial procedures, original texts with new English translations, and other contextual information about the piece.
Now available at CorDonatoEditions.com!
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