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Costume de grandi
"from La finta pazza, 1641", Giulio Strozzi's libretto for the opera by Sacrati.
Original Language: Italian
Godere e lasciare
Costuman gl'amanti,
Bugiardi, incostanti,
Le cose più care.
Onde chi mente più spera più lode:
S'inganna e si gode.
Con ladri comandi
Si ruba il piacere:
Sprezzare e godere
Costume è de' grandi.
Onde chi ruba più spera più lode:
S'inganna e si gode.
Al grande e saputo
Non mai si conviene
Goder e dir bene
Del ben c'hà goduto.
Onde chi biasma più spera più lode:
S'inganna e si gode.
The Customs of the Great
To enjoy and move on
is the way of lovers—
lying, inconstant—
with the most precious things.
They who lie most expect the most praise:
they cheat and enjoy it.
With thieving intentions
they seize pleasure:
to debase and consume,
that’s the way of high society.
Thus, they who steal most expect the most praise:
they cheat and enjoy it.
In high society it is well known
that it is never becoming
to enjoy and esteem
what has been enjoyed.
Thus, they who disparage most expect most praise:
they cheat and enjoy it.
Translated by:
Candace A. Magner
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Costume de Grandi
Published by Cor Donato Editions in historically correct modern transcription, including critical introductory notes on the work, editorial procedures, original texts with new English translations, and other contextual information about the piece.
Now available at CorDonatoEditions.com!
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