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Canto di bella bocca
Original Language: Italian
Che dolce udire una leggiadra bocca
Tutta lieta cantar versi d’amore.
Vaga, vezzosa voce
Con passaggio veloce
T’alletta, ti circonda, anzi ti tocca
E dentro va quasi a baciarti il core.
Che dolce udire una leggiadra bocca
Tutta lieta cantar versi d’amore,
Mentre musico labbro
Spiega d’amore i pregi.
Altro non dice
Quel canoro felice
Che le gioie che senti;
Altro non dice
Che i diletti che provi;
Altro non dice
Che i tuoi piaceri nuovi,
I tuoi vecchi contenti.
Dillo, o mio core,
Che dolce udir una leggiadra bocca
Tutta lieta cantar versi d’amore.
Quell’aura armonizzata
Da una gorga canora
Ti ravviva e ristora,
Ti fa l’alma beata.
Folle sei se non godi e non cominci,
Qua giù ristretto in un caduco velo,
Tirsi, a gustar le melodie del Cielo.
Song From a Beautiful Mouth
How sweet it is to hear a lovely mouth
joyfully sing verses of love.
A lyrical, charming voice
entices you with fleeting melody,
encircles you, even touches you,
and enters you as if to kiss your heart.
How sweet it is to hear a lovely mouth
joyfully sing verses of love,
as the musical lips
affirm the virtues of love.
That joyful song
clearly describes
the joys that you feel;
clearly describes
the delights you experience;
clearly tells
of your new pleasures,
your past contentments.
Proclaim it, oh my heart,
how sweet it is to hear a lovely mouth
joyfully sing verses of love.
That harmonious breath
from a sweet-voiced throat
revives and restores you,
sanctifies your soul.
You're foolish, Thyrsis, if you don't rejoice and don't begin, while imprisoned here below in this mortal veil,
to enjoy the melodies of paradise.
Translated by:
Richard Kolb
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Canto di Bella Bocca
Published by Cor Donato Editions in historically correct modern transcription, including critical introductory notes on the work, editorial procedures, original texts with new English translations, and other contextual information about the piece.
Now available at CorDonatoEditions.com!
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