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Godere in gioventù
Original Language: Italian
Nel bel fior di gioventù
alle gioie aprire il seno,
donzellette, è gran virtù.
Chi tardi cominciò gode assai meno:
scherniti pentimenti,
che per comprar contenti,
non ha spaccio poi molto
l’argento d’un capel, l’oro d’un volto.
Nel bel fior di gioventù
alle gioie aprire il seno,
donzellette, è gran virtù.
È d’un corto mattin breve il sereno:
bellezze fuggitive,
estinte pria che vive,
in van l’arte vi aiuta,
non si racquista più beltà perduta.
Nel bel fior di gioventù
alle gioie aprire il seno,
donzellette, è gran virtù.
Enjoy Your Youth
In the fair flower of youth,
opening your heart to joy,
oh maidens, is a great virtue.
Whoever begins late enjoys much the less:
You should scoff at regrets!
For in buying contentment
you don’t receive much value
from the silver in your hair nor the gold in your visage.
In the fair flower of youth,
opening your heart to joy,
oh maidens, is a great virtue.
Fair weather is brief during a short morning,
the beauty within you
is already fleeting even before it lives.
In vain can art assist you,
for beauty once lost in never regained.
In the fair flower of youth,
opening your heart to joy,
oh maidens, is a great virtue.
Translated by:
Candace A. Magner
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Godere in Gioventù
Published by Cor Donato Editions in historically correct modern transcription, including critical introductory notes on the work, editorial procedures, original texts with new English translations, and other contextual information about the piece.
Now available at CorDonatoEditions.com!
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