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Priego ad Amore
Original Language: Italian
Pietosissimo Amore,
tu mai non abbandoni
chi ti consacra riverente il core.
Chi cieco ti figura,
chi nudo, chi bendato,
chi di saette armato
non provò tua dolcissima natura.
Morir, né morir mai,
languir, ma per un poco,
è gloria del tuo foco.
Vieni, deh, vieni a noi,
vieni, gioia dell’alme,
Spargi, spargi benigno i doni tuoi
e d’un cortese affetto
alla Barbara mia feconda il petto.
Prayer to Love
Most merciful Love,
you never abandon
one who reverently offers you his heart.
He who envisions you blind,
naked, blindfolded,
armed with arrows
has not tested your sweet nature.
You never die
nor languish, but brief
is the glory of your fire.
Come, oh come to us,
come joy of my soul,
bestow your sweet gifts
and for a kind affection
toward my Barbara make fertile my heart.
Translated by:
Candace A. Magner
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Priego ad Amore
Published by Cor Donato Editions in historically correct modern transcription, including critical introductory notes on the work, editorial procedures, original texts with new English translations, and other contextual information about the piece.
Now available at CorDonatoEditions.com!
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