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Gli amanti falliti
Original Language: Italian
Amor, Amor, noi ricorriamo a te,
Supplichevoli avanti,
Senza credito o fè, falliti amanti.
Se di forze ci spoglia
Grave cadente età,
S’andiam ogni hora in giù,
Se non potiamo più,
La tua pietà ci toglia
Da dura servitù.
Amor, Amor, noi ricorriamo a te.
S’a noi manca ogni splendida ricchezza,
Se miseri e dolenti,
D’ogni nostra bellezza
Miriamo i fior languenti,
E se non ritroviam chi più ci guardi,
Frena, Amor, i tuoi dardi;
Non bersagliar invano,
Ch’il dar morte a manchevoli
Sarebbe scorno della tua mano.
The Fading Lovers
Love, Love, we turn to you,
entreating without assurance
or repute, we fading lovers.
As advancing age
deprives us of strength,
as we decline further every hour,
as we become feeble,
let your mercy remove us
from harsh servitude.
Love, Love, we turn to you.
Since we lack resplendent comeliness,
miserable and suffering,
since we watch the flowers
of our charms fade, and as we
no longer find anyone who looks at us,
restrain your arrows, Cupid;
don't shoot to no purpose,
for to give death to weaklings
would dishonour your bow.
Translated by:
Richard Kolb
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Gli Amanti Falliti
Published by Cor Donato Editions in historically correct modern transcription, including critical introductory notes on the work, editorial procedures, original texts with new English translations, and other contextual information about the piece.
Now available at CorDonatoEditions.com!
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