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L'amante modesto
Original Language: Italian
Volano frettolosi i giorni e presto
un secolo sarà che t’amo, o Clori,
né de’ miei lunghi ossequiosi amori
un picciol guiderdone anco t’ho chiesto.
Amante son, ma candido e modesto;
voglio che taciturno il cor t’adori
e voglio disfogar gl’interni ardori
col muto fiato d’un sospir onesto.
Godati chi di me più fortunato
nacque ai diletti impuri.
A me sol basta saper
dalla mia Clori esser amato.
Così mai non guerreggia e non contrasta
rivalità; diverso è il nostro stato:
egli t’ama impudica, io t’amo casta.
The Modest Lover
The days fly by in a hurry, and soon
it will have been a century that I've loved you,
O Clori, and yet in my unceasing subservient love
I've not asked for even one small reward.
I'm a lover, but purehearted and modest;
I want my heart to adore you silently,
and would relieve my internal burning
with the silent breath of an honest sigh.
Let the one who is more fortunate than me enjoy you,
and invite you to licentious pleasures.
For me it is enough only
to know that I am loved by my Clori.
Thus our rivalry is without contention or quarrel;
our conditions differ:
he loves you lasciviously, I love you sincerely.
Translated by:
Richard Kolb
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L'Amante Modesto
Published by Cor Donato Editions in historically correct modern transcription, including critical introductory notes on the work, editorial procedures, original texts with new English translations, and other contextual information about the piece.
Now available at CorDonatoEditions.com!
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